National IT Infrastructure

In this section, you can find all the related information and services to developing the national IT infrastructure.

Oman Government Cloud

As a strategic move to get the benefit of Cloud technology to Oman, MTCIT initiated the Government Cloud Services, which is a shared IT infrastructure established to serve IT requirements of MTCIT and other government entities. To know more about G-cloud Services.

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The National Program for AI and advanced digital technologies

The national program for AI and advanced technologies was established in 2020 as a part of the organizational charter of MTCIT..

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Cloud Computing first

Cloud Computing

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Oman eGovernance Framework

Oman eGovernance Framework is a set of standards, best practices and process management systems to enhance the delivery of Government Services in alignment with the Mission of e.oman. The framework spells the rules and procedures that ensure that government IT projects and systems are sustainable  and in comply  with MTCIT’s strategies and objectives.

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Oman Government Network

Oman Government Network is a telecommunication infrastructure interconnecting government entities. It aims to support and link other eGovernment initiatives and to ultimately improve public services.

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The National Data Center

The National Data Center was established in cooperation with the concerned Government entities to have a common infrastructure including a shared network and site, all within an established security framework. It houses a centralized repository for storing critical information and critical IT applications and corporate data.

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National Digital Certification Center

The National Digital Certification Center (NDCC) at the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology (MTCIT) is established to provide electronic certification service. This service allows all Omani citizens and residents to use the government electronic services and transactions in a higher level of security, authenticity, integrity and confidentiality to protect all eTransactions made through ID cards and mobile SIM cards.

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The Official Oman eGovernment Services Portal

Through the Official eGovernment Services Portal citizens can access government information and services online. These services are provided via The Official eGovernment Services Portal “Omanuna” either by integrating with other government entities or providing links to their websites Anytime, anywhere access to the portal can occur through multiple channels such as the web and mobile devices. Navigation on the portal site will be simplified through a live event service delivery model and searchable content.

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Integration Platform

The integration platform is a centralized data hub that enables the exchange of data sets between government entities in real time. It enables a seamless integration of data between government systems through exposing live web services offered by various government entities for usage by other government entities.

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