
The Specialized IT Training (SITT) targets Omani individuals in the IT field and focuses on their development and capacity building. It provides IT Training and certification, in addition to practical training opportunities that aim to increase the number of the certified and expert IT individuals in different IT domains to meet the immediate needs in the ICT sector, especially in the public sector and on the future critical ICT needs; in order to promote the growth of the local ICT sector.

It is also to assist in providing the necessary skills and expertise to support the ICT industry development and MTC’s various initiatives to achieve e.oman objectives. The project currently provides incentives for individuals and trainees who get certified by the project and according to the required conditions. 

Projects under SITT:
  • Certification Tracks
this project aims to provide opportunities for Omanis working in the IT field to gain knowledge and exposure through IT training and get certificated in different IT domains to further develop their technical and non-technical competencies.
  • Practical Training and Projects Attachment
This project aims to provide opportunities for Omanis working in the IT field to gain high level work experience with international IT organizations and expose them to different types of projects and work environments to further develop their competencies and/or make them potential startups in that domain.