Strategic Pillars

e.oman strategic directions, which have been defined to realize the e.oman vision, have been grouped under six strategic pillars.

These pillars summarize the e.oman strategic directions and when translated into initiatives, projects and milestones, would result in a coordinated action towards the move to a knowledge-based economy.

The focus areas are translated into pillar goals that are realized through a number of initiatives and projects each targeted towards implementing specific directions of the strategy. The six strategic pillars are as follows:

Advancing the Digital Society

Pillar Goals

  • Develop and implement a National IT Training and Awareness Framework.
  • Train citizens and government employees on basic IT literacy.
  • Provide students with basic IT knowledge in schools.
  • Offer intermediary IT training and skills development to professionals.
  • Offer specialized IT training and Certification to IT professionals.
  • Offer PCs and internet access to the public at reduced prices.

Smart Government and Services

Pillar Goals

  • Re-engineer identified processes.
  • Deploy Free and Open Source packages in government organizations besides licensed packages.
  • Acquire and deploy government infrastructure required for offering services online.
  • Enhance government applications to deliver online services.
  • Develop IT business continuity processes to meet recovery targets.
  • Protect and secure information assets of the government.

Vibrant Digital and ICT Industry Ecosystem

Pillar Goals

  • Establish more multi-national companies' branches to operate from Oman.
  • Run centers of excellence to help enabling the development of the IT industry.
  • Develop local IT industry to move to solutions provision.
  • Develop and market Omani content and applications internally and externally.
  • Create industry partnerships between Omani companies and foreign partners.
  • Create IT industry support services to enable multi-national companies to operate from Oman.
  • Incubation program to provide business, financial, and technical support for incubates.
  • Industry associations to play active role in creating partnerships.

Governance, Standards and Policies

Pillar Goals

  • Develop and extend existing Standards.
  • Move towards more standardization in its technical architecture and infrastructures.
  • Issue and adopt relevant eLaws.

Next Gen-Infrastructure

Pillar Goals

  • Enhance and actively use e.oman portal site as a gateway to government online services.
  • Offer and enhance mobile access channels to government services.
  • Offer wired and wireless broadband around the country at affordable price.
  • Connect more Government sites to the Oman Government Network.
  • Utilize services integration platform to link and integrate government services.
  • Utilize common shared and scalable government service building blocks in building government online services.
  • Enhance and extend the unified contact center services.

Promotion and Awareness

Pillar Goals

  • Organize targeted promotion and awareness campaigns to increase the awareness about e.oman.
  • Conduct HM Award every two years.
  • Participate in organizing industry events.
  • Promote global indicators and achievements.