The e.oman vision outlines the aspirations of the Sultanate as it continues to move towards realizing the strategy in the next 5 years; it can be summarized in the following:
“Citizens have the knowledge, means and tools to interact digitally, access the internet and use e-services efficiently and safely anywhere any time in the Sultanate. In addition they are made aware of offered e-government Services and prefer to interact with the Government electronically.
The Omani IT industry is provided with the resources and tools to transform IT business ideas into products and services that address market needs and requirements of the Government to modernize and enhance infrastructure, applications and services. Entrepreneurs are trained and offered a healthy business environment to grow.
Government services will be made more efficient, automated and offered online to citizens, businesses, employees and other Government agencies. e-services shall be integrated end-to-end across agencies and offered in a seamless manner online with high level of availability, security and usability.
Government Infrastructure and applications will be modernized and made more compliant to common Government standards published by ITA and will be geared towards achieving service automation, efficiency and the desired level of business continuity.
Government IT staff will be highly trained and able to operate increasingly complex infrastructures through training and skills development programs aligned with the utilized technology and architecture standards.”